Democrats in Caldwell

About Caldwell

Caldwell Precinct is in the northeastern corner of Orange County, NC, bordered by Tolars Precinct to the west, and St. Mary's Precinct to the south. Durham County is on our eastern border, and Person County is on our northern border.

Caldwell is in NC House District 50, represented by Democrat Renee Price, NC Senate District 23, seat held by Democrat Graig Meyer, and US Congressional House District 4, held by Democrat Valerie Foushee. Our children attend Orange County Schools, which has an elected school board.

Caldwell has 2,937 registered voters as of January 2024, including 815 Democrats.

A rural precinct, Caldwell voters live in Hurdle Mills, Rougemont, Timberlake, and Hillsborough.

Precinct Leadership

In 2022, a group of six residents volunteered to work together to lead Caldwell Dems & Friends. We function as co-chairs and make decisions as a group:

What Motivates Us?

Caldwell Dems & Friends is a diverse group that is committed to a wide range of issues and values. We believe that all people deserve to live with dignity. We are committed to respecting everyone in our multicultural society. We seek to leave our children a cleaner, fairer, and more prosperous place to live. While we have different ideas about how to accomplish this, we are unified by a shared love of our community and a desire to improve the lives of all our citizens, while protecting our environment, our democracy, and our human rights.Â